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Automatic Gate Openers, Garage Door Openers and French Window Shuttered Doors
€ 99.00EUR

Preise zzgl.22% IVA und Versandkosten Die Versandkosten hängen von der Lieferadresse und Artikel Gewicht Kurzvorschau Versandkosten: Deutschland / Österreich = ca (€12 - €24)

  • Rolling Coded 4 channels radio receiver
  • Storage capacity up to 30 remote controls buttons each channel for a total storage capacity of 100 remote controls

  • Rolling Coded 4 channels radio receiver. Storage capacity up to 30 remote controls buttons each channel for a total storage capacity of 100 remote controls.
  • Comes in protected watertight housing and can be fixed on the top of a wall or on a pillar.
  • Mono/ stable functions,12/24 ac/dc.

Useful to increase the capacity not storage of an electronic board (typical condominium use) or to command also courtesy garden lights or any other third-party systems with DUCATI’s remote controls